Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Exceeding Expectations [Chelsie]

This week I mentioned that I would put aside The Host in order to read I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone.

This has gone by surprisingly well. I have about fifty pages to go (which I hope to have finished by the time this post actually makes it out to everyone) and I am extremely pleased with what I have been reading.

This was one of those books that I was scared to start reading. Since I talk to Stephanie Kuehnert quite a bit (well... more than I talk to any other authors) I was afraid that if I read the book and didn't like it, it would feel weird. I have been building myself up to read this book forever... my friend Justinne and I would talk about it constantly... we have even gotten to referring to Stephanie by just her first name, because we always know who it is we're talking about.

So I was nervous. As a debut novel, I understood that it might fall short of my expectations. Or it just might not be that good... I knew that all of this could happen, and I was prepared for the worst. I hoped that I wouldn't have to write a bad review or tell Stephanie that I just didn't like it, but I knew that I would be honest if that was how I honestly felt.

After all, if a reader doesn't have honesty, what do they have?

Well, let's just say that I am extremely pleased to report that I will not have to write a bad review. Sure, the book wasn't what I was expecting... but not every book I read is. I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone completely exceeded my expectations... I love the way it's written, I love the characters, I love the story... I just love it.

Expect my review soon (I'll try and link next week) and make sure you're still checking out the contest.

It's up to $130 now. Plus, if you snoop around the blog, you'll find other contests you can enter to win as well for some smaller prizes =D

Now I must say that I am extremely pleased with myself for actually getting my post done early, and not late... and now I must finish the book!

[Side note: Okay, so I tried to get this to do scheduled posting, but I had already accidentally posted it before I remembered, and now it won't go back to schedule, so I figure I'm only an hour early, so I'm not even going to bother.... or maybe I just have the time zones set to an hour ahead? who knows... either way, it's posting now =D]



Stephanie Kuehnert said...

Whew!!! Thank goodness you are loving it! I was scared too!! Can't wait to see your review!

the story siren said...

i really want to read IWBYJR!! i've heard great things about it.

Vanessa said...

I want to read this book! It's on my Shelfari Wish List. I think my mom will buy it for me when I'm in Canada as it will be out when I'm there. :)

Chelsea said...

IWBYJR is so amazing! Glad you're loving it, too.