I feel as though I've come back into my book blogging. I wasn't very active for about three weeks and now I have a bunch of posts scheduled for this week including reviews, memes, and a very special contest (read the end of this entry!). Stay tuned on my blog for all of this!
Basically all I have this week is Harry. I finished Harry Potter on Friday and liked it very much. I wonder how my review is going to go. I want the rest of the series now!
I'm currently reading and will soon finish Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom which is very good. I feel like I'm learning a lot. The story is so great and yet so sad at the same time. [Edit: I finished Tuesdays with Morrie and wow.... I bawled like a baby. How can I possibly write a review for this?]
Next up on the line will be The Mrs Marriage Project by Pauline Fisk or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (it all depends on my friend giving me Harry Potter books or not).
I recently put up two new reviews: An Abundance of Katherines and That Was Then, This Is Now.
Also, click here to read about Lisa Schroeder's release party contest for her new book Far From You which she asked me to take part in. I think that basically explains everything.
Yay. That's it.
See you next Tuesday,
whatvanessareads (at) gmail.com