Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Looking to the Future [Megan]

I was completely upset when I went to the library yesterday and found that the book I wanted to read for Genre of the Month had been checked out. Yeah, it sort of ruined my day.

It seems where I live, non Stephanie Myers vampire books are not very popular. I was unable to find a very intriguing alternative book and finally settled on the Vampire Plagues series. I actually am looking forward to them now. I am hoping they will be easy yet enjoyable reads.

I also took out The Book Thief to prepare for this book club.
They have come up with the great concept of doing a podcast discussing their book choice each month. I sort of had them because of it. The show is scheduled for Sunday, August 3rd at 8pm central / 9pm eastern time. If you want to read this book or have already you definitely will need to check out the show. I got the book because it was actually at the library but I will not be reading it until a little bit closer to the show date. Though I do wonder why they had to pick such a fat book. Though I have been assured it is a quick read despite it's side. Which is good because I am extremely busy!

Why am I busy, you ask? Well I started The Looking Glass Wars way behind when I intended to for our jokingly titled No Name Book Club. And I want to tell you I am really enjoying this take on Alice in Wonderland. I was overjoyed to see reference to the original manuscript version of Alice's Adventures Underground which is the only version I have previously read. Beddor took a really creative approach to this classic story. Early in the novel Alyss even comments on the existing versions of the story; "He'd transformed her memories of a world alive with hope and possibility and danger into make-believe, the foolish stuff of children" (4). And if you saw my post yesterday you also know that he decided to treat his book like a movie and create a sound track for it, which I happen to love.

So, since Chelsie proclaimed us The No Name Book Club, I guess we need to change that. You read to help? Please leave your ideas in the comments even if you aren't part of it!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...


I'm so excited to read Through The Looking Glass. I freakin' loved Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and I think I'll love a spinoff of it, too.