Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mrs. Magoo's Second Edition


I am currently on vacation and do not have a lot of time to post, but...

Enter my contests to win
Farworld: Water Keep
An awesome shirt (5 possible winners!)

I just finished Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories, as well as Jennifer Ziegler's How Not to Be Popular.

I also have A LOT of work to catch up on. Some of the books I need to review are:

1) The Alchemyst
2) Crank
3) Glass
4) Drama! The Four Dorothys
5) Drama! Everyone's a Critic
6) The Squad: Perfect Cover
7) How Not to be Popular
8) Haroun and the Sea of Stories
9) Amor and Summer Secrets

In addition, I need to contact a few authors about interviews/guest blogs. Aack!!!...


Megan said...

Thanks for including the link to your blog right at the top! I can't wait to come visit you there.

Vacation is awesome. And I sort of hate you because Haroun and the Sea of Stories has been on my to read list for YEARS. You are just going to have to mail it to me and win my favor back!

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, as do I. I keep reading different books with different people. I am in the middle of 5 right now but it feels like 15.

Chelsie said...

Sounds like a lot of work to do =P Good luck with that!

Vanessa said...

So cool how you where on TV! (yes, I checked out your blog, haha).

Good luck about the author's bit.

Kelsey said...

I just finished How Not To Be Popular too! I really loved it!