Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chelsea's Week in Reading

This past week I read:

-New Moon
-Breaking Dawn
-1/2 of The White Darkness

Obviously, I was busy, because those are some pretty big books. And I'm not all that fast of a reader. I'm not going to go too much into this, but I just have to say that I hate all the negativity Breaking Dawn has gotten. I really liked it. Blahblahblah. I'm sure you're all sick of reading about Breaking Dawn. If not, I reviewed it here, so you can read my in depth thoughts on it, but basically, it was enjoyable for me. And I'd love to read more books told from other character's POVs. There were a lot of new interesting ones introduced in BD.

Other than that, I started adding books to my Goodreads account, and I ended up inventorying all the books I own but haven't read yet. Turns out I have 279. All unread. And that's minus all the classics. Heh. I have a problem.

Oh, and also. I'm starting weekly contests back up again, so make sure you enter this week's.

So to sum everything up, I'm hoping next week is a more exciting week in the book world because this was a rather boring post. Eek. Sorry guys!


Chelsie said...

I agree... I liked Breaking Dawn. Not my favorite of the four, but still good.

And 279 is quite a lot... might wanna get to those =P

Kelsey said...

Wow, that's a heck of a lot of books read, that probably almost as much of YA novels I have read in my life. hehe.

Vanessa said...

I should go check out your goodreads to see if you have some titles I'd like :)

Glad you liked Breaking Dawn.