Tuesday, September 15, 2009

best reading week in awhile

This past week, I did more reading than I have in awhile, which is really sad but also exciting.
I finished At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks, which I really enjoyed. Nicholas Sparks is one of those authors that I read for something fluffy with substance. I haven't read much of him in the past couple years, so I picked this up and started reading and I liked it. However, as soon as I got to the end I found absolutely no point to the book whatsoever. It seemed cheesy and pointless, and I can't get into details but I must say I was not pleased with the end at all.

Funny story: I just found out right at this moment that At First Sight is the sequel to True Believer. And I had no idea... whoopsy. Maybe I would like it better if I read True Believer?

I also finished Paradise Lost by Kate Brian, which I can't believe I haven't read sooner. I love this series, but I put off reading Paradise Lost because I heard it was not as good as the rest. While I'll admit, it may not be the best, but it definitely was worth my time, and I am still just as addicted to the series as before. I am also somewhat glad that I waited this long to read it, because now I can jump right into Suspicion as soon as I get my hands on it.
Now I am putting most of my energy into Ivanhoe, for my Reading Unlimited class. However, I do plan on doing a little extra reading inbetween.


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