Hello, all. For anyone who's been reading
le blog, this is old news. But, since I'm pretty sure that's none of you, I'll explain anyway.
The Big Fat Nerd Journal is just that--a journal. A plain, marble one that you can get for fifty cents at a Stop and Shop (though, depending on the economy crisis, things might be getting a tad steeper). It looks like this:

The lowdown is that I will send this journal out to one person across the Americas. They will carry it around for as long as TWO WEEKS, scribbling and doodling and just generally writing whatever happens to be on their mind (limited to three pages, please). Then, when they are done, they will take a picture with the journal. It can be anything--the journal with their cat, their house, their bed, computer, stack of books, on a bench, on a rock, in the kitchen...etc etc etc. They will then email this picture to me, along with a few words on their "experience" with the journal (which I will post on the
Offical Blog). I will in turn give them the address of someone else, and they will send it to that person. Rinse, wash and repeat. The goal is to get this journal to as many people, places and countries as physically possible. I think it will be a fun way to connect to other folk around the world. It's also a way to plug your blog/website, or any other buisness endeavers. I would really appreciate if you were to check out the site to
sign up, and I look forward to seeing what you scamps have to say!
(international participants welcome)